Geology and Geophysics Surveys
Brend-Vik Ltd
BREND-VIK LTD is a team of professionals engaged in providing services for hydrocarbons exploration and production to Ukrainian and international oil and gas companies. This is the team of petroleum geologists, geophysicists, engineers and economists using advanced equipment and software, that allows us to carry out a customer’s tasks on an up-to-date international level.
The general list of services provided by the company has been significantly expanded, and includes the following:
- Designing of seismic surveys of any complexity ñ/w model study;
- Seismic data processing;
- Well log data digital recording and processing;
- Integrated interpretation of geological and geophysical (G&G) data (seismic, well logging, etc.), reservoir characterization;
- Seismic lithology method (seismic inversion, forecast of lithology and reservoir properties by method of neural network, AVO-analysis);
- Local and zonal forecasting of oil and gas occurrence;
- Calculation of hydrocarbon contents and reserves with further approval of the Final report in the State Commission on Mineral Resources of Ukraine;
- Development of engineering designs (for well construction, pilot production, pilot development planning, development and construction of oil and gas fields;
- Case geological surveys.

Presentation (Eng)